Celebration Worship
Friday is a very special worship at KSJ.
We love celebration worship.
Parents, grandparents and carers are warmly welcomed to celebrate the week's successes as a school family.
Worship begins with a musical interlude to support reflection as classes enter with their class cross.
There is usually a thought for the week and a slideshow of the week's images on the board.
Stars of The Week are celebrated first and they sit on the special bench at the front of the hall.
The Golden Book is read out next - all entrees are encouraged to stand up in recognition of their success/achievements. Parents, pupils and staff feature in the golden book and can recommend others to be entered in the golden book - reasons must be clear.
House Points are announced - House captains collect their token acorns for success. Any individuals reaching the house point prize marker are invited to receive their prize from their team captain.
Certificates and personal achievements are also shared.
There may be announcements from house captains, school council, JRSOs or GEOs
Birthday Box - Any birthdays are celebrated in either English, French or Spanish
We award the Golden Pineapple to someone who has shown exceptional friendship love and care.
We announce the secret student if they have been in school each day and arrived on time.
A Prayer is shared - this is usually our school prayer, but not always.
If you wish to give feedback about our celebration worship on Fridays, please find the survey below.
Fridays at 2.30pm