
Ready; Respectful; Resilient

All at Kingsley St John's have high expectations of behaviour for all God's Children.  We encourage and remind each other and support each other to be the best that we can be.

In school we use positive reinforcement and ensure pupils are reminded of our expectations.

We ensure that there are restorative consequences for ongoing difficulties in behaviour so that we can learn from our mistakes and find the right way to move forward together as a team and with respect and resilience.

We remember that ALL CHILDREN ARE LEARNING.  Learning how to be social; learning how to manage conflict.  Our role is to nurture them so that the right choices are made and that lead to happiness and self-worth for all.  Sometimes this takes time.  

All in school should challenge wrong choices and absences of the expected behaivour, sharing reminders of the expectations and celebrating the right choices and excellent beahviour.

Please see our Behaviour and Relationships Policy for greater detail.

Examples of recognition and praise for good behaviour:-

verbal praise - immediate

verbal praise and acknowledgement in front of their peers - often applauded.

smile board

golden book

house points

star of the week

praise postcard home

headteacher's award sticker

email to parents


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