Class 3 (Barnowls) 2023 - 2024

Mrs Gibson


"Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become

children of light.”




               Welcome to class 3

              We are the Barn Owls, Year 3 and 4




Our staff

  Mrs Gibson is our class teacher and Mrs Critchley, Mrs Baker and Mrs Hudson will be supporting our learning.












Below is some useful information relating to our year in Barn owls and your child's learning. However, if you have any queries or questions please don't hesitate to contact me

Follow what we've been up to on our school twitter with our hashtag #Barnowls

General information

  • Please tie up long hair.
  • Please have a bottle of water at school every day. This can be refilled as necessary.
  • Please bring a small school bag, reading book and reading record every day.
  • Please return your homework book on or before Wednesday for marking. Homework will be sent out on a Friday.
  • All school uniform needs to be named but particularly jumpers and cardigans. 

PE is timetabled for Monday and will be outside whenever possible. Please add a jumper, trousers and gloves as we will still go outside and sun hats and suncream if needed.


Summer Term 2024


Welcome back Barn Owls!


Our Christian values for this term are endurance,creation,justice and wisdom.

The Church has long taught that God's creation is a precious gift that we,it's stewards, have been entrusted to care for and use well.We believe that God made the trees, the waves and the stars, and that God is a faithful God. That means God is reliable; it means that we can depend on him to always be the same, always to be there, a God who never changes.

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid..Psalm 56:3-4

Our roles and responsibilities



Meet our school councillors,sports councillors and eco-group who were all democratically voted in by their peers and our Beacon group who support our school in developing Christian distinctiveness and promote our school Christian Values.

So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, And guided them with his skillful hands.”
Psalms 78:72



Our class novel for this half-term has been voted for by our Barn Owls, we have chosen ' Toto the Ninja Cat and the great snake escape' by Dermot O' Leary



As writers, we will use 'Zerrafa Giraffa' by Diane Hoffmeyer to plan and write a persuasive guide for visiting Zeraffa at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. For summer 2 we will write a narrative based on the story of ‘Gorilla’ by Anthony Browne.

Our daily routine will include spelling and grammar,handwriting and guided reading sessions. Daily reading at home continues to be essential at KS2 and we would ask that you read regularly at home with your child to develop a love of reading,to develop new vocabulary and strengthen writing skills.Whilst listening to your child,ask questions about what has happened so far, characters thoughts and motives and make accurate  predictions based on the text. As well as our guided reading and class reading sessions we will endeavour to hear all our Barn Owls read at least once a week. Our Barnowls use our class padlet to share what they are reading,make recommendations and develop our love of reading.



We will continue to use Pathways to Spell as part of our english lessons to develop spelling strategies and learn spelling rules ,as well as the Y3/4 common exception words.


As mathematicians,the children will learn through concrete experiences moving onto pictorial and abstract methods as their confidence builds.They will also be expected to use their learning to reason about maths and solve problems. 

During the summer term we will focus on time,money,fractions,mass and capacity and decimals.In June ,Y4 will take the statutory MTC which tests their knowledge of times tables 2-12. For more information see the files section below.


As scientists,we aim to develop our knowledge and understanding,scientific skills and measuring and recording abilities. We will be investigating collecting,recording and analysing data then looking at sustainibilty through deforestation,both globally and locally,and asking : Why is deforestation a problem for the planet?

We will look at the work of conservationists such as Sir David Attenborough,Pablo Pacheco and Chico Mendes



History and Geography

As historians and geographers,we will be studying 'What is the impact of Anglo-Saxon settlement on Britain? and looking at the Anglo-Saxon invasions, settlements, and kingdoms: place names and village life, Anglo-Saxon art and culture, Christian conversion – Canterbury, Iona, and Lindisfarne.We will look at the archaeological dig at Sutton Hoo and the links to our local area through Edith Pretty.

sutton hoo.jpg



Our RE continues to use the Questful RE planning.This term we will look at Rules for Living: Which rules should we follow? Does everybody follow the same rules? Why? Why not? In summer 2, we will study Prayer: What is prayer?How do people of World Faiths pray? In particular looking at Islam.

Our whole school and class roundabout worships alongside our class reflection areas and partnerships with our local churches allow the children opportunities to explore our Christian values and develop their own thoughts and reflections.



 As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man.Proverbs 27:19


Our PE will concentrate on athletic skills, throwing,jumping,running and competition. We will also have gymnastic sessions with Charlie Gym on a Tuesday.We will look at how we can develop our skills and improve as well as thinking about what makes a good team. PE will now be on a Monday however, please ensure your child has a complete,named kit in school at all times.

Art and Design

As artists, we will be looking at Anglo-Saxon art and the designs of Anglo-Saxon crosses.

As designers, we will be looking at nutrition as we create,prepare,cook and taste our own Anglo-Saxon style stew.




In PHSE, we will be looking at career paths and relationships and changing me.We will also have First Aid training as part of our personal development.

We will also have focused time on our British Values: democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs as well as the nine protected characteristics.


As musicians, we will be using Charanga to explore musical styles and different sounds.


As linguists ,we will continue to have Madame Carter on Wednesday morning to deliver our French lessons.


As digital citizens, we will look at programming events and actions.

Forest school will continue on a Friday with each class taking alternate sessions. A rota will come out for summer term. Please make sure your child has appropriate clothing for the weather. Long trousers continue to be essential and hopefully sun hats and sun cream!


Homework will be sent out on Friday to be returned on or before the following Wednesday.  We expect each piece to take about 20 minutes.  Please come and see us if there are any difficulties or write a note on the piece of work.


English – Focusing on basic skills and new techniques used within our writing

Maths - Focusing on skills and methods learnt in our maths lessons.

Comprehension tasks

Reading – 5-10 minutes each night, please add your recommendations and books you have enjoyed to our class padlet.

Times tables practise- see website list in files below



Possible trips & visitors

In the summer term we will have our residential visit to Pettypool

Files to Download

Class 3 (Barnowls): News items

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Class 3 (Barnowls): Blog items

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Class 3 (Barnowls): Gallery items

Liverpool Museum Trip, by Mrs Gibson

Class 3 (Barnowls): Calendar items

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