Keeping Our Children Safe

'Believe in the light, whilst you have the light, so that you may become children of light.'  John 12:36


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At Kingsley St John's we taking our safeguarding and child protection duty extremely seriously.  Children need to feel safe and be safe in order to flourish and live life in all its fullness.

'Church of England schools have at their heart a belief that all children are loved by God, are individually unique and that the school has a mission to help each pupil to fulfil their potential in all aspects of their personhood: physically, academically, socially, morally and spiritually. Our aim is that all may flourish and have an abundant life. Schools have a duty to try to remove any factor that might represent a hindrance to a child’s fulfilment.We want all pupils to willingly engage in learning in a safe and welcoming environment.'  Valuing All God's CHildren

Our designated officer for safeguarding is the headteacher Rachel Jones.

The deputy designated officer is Samantha Gibson.

If neither of these are available please ask for Mr Nathan Davies.

Should you have any concerns regarding the welfare of any child in our school, you should in the first instance make these concerns known to the designated officer.


There is a governor identified with the responsibility for safeguarding, this is Lisa Easton.  

She can be contacted at 

Cheshire West and Chester host an integrated support team for any safeguarding concerns.  Information regarding this is available below, including the emergency duty team - this number should be called if you suspect a child is at risk of harm.  

If you suspect a child is in immediate danger you should call 999.


Further information for parents and carers can be found at local safeguarding children board

Introduction to the local safeguarding children board (LSCB)

Our Safeguarding support officer is Susie Sheasby

Where to find help

Integrated access and referral team

Emergency duty team (for out of hours emergencies)

Please click the following useful link to support Parents and give valuable information about bullying.

Bullying Information


All staff access Safeguarding Basic Awareness training every 2 years.

Our designated officers access the highest level of training with the local authority within every 3 years as well as the delivery of Basic Awareness Training.

We have annual systems in place to keep our governors fully informed of our safeguarding protocols.

Types of Training 

  • Basic Awareness 
  • Domestic Violence 
  • Physical Abuse
  • FGM and Honoour-based Violence 
  • Sexual Abuse 
  • Neglect and Emotional Abuse 
  • Safer Recruitment 
  • Designated Safeguarding Lead Training 
  • Refresher Safeguarding Training 
  • Learning from local and national safeguarding reviews 
  • Fabricated and Induced Illness